Thursday, April 10, 2008

gilman gamee and bro-ing it upp yeauhh

today was funnn.. ishh. i went to my bro's lax game vs. loyola! they lost 8-3, but it was okkie cause my bro played just finee! and the two teams were very equal, loyola just seemed to score more goals! lol. i watched the game with my friend devin tucker. his brother is on justins team, and we always watch the games togetherr! he is funny and cool, and i laugh a lot around him. i was kindaa embarassed though cause i think i may have had something in my bracess!! EW YUCK.
also, i dont know if i included this before because i missed a whole month of bloggging, but.. IM GOING TO BRYN MAWR NEXT YEAR. im soo excited but everyone complains about it a LOT. its ok though, cause i realize that any highschool will suck, so its okk. and the sports are good, so i will be just finee!
not too muchh going onn today... story of my lifeee! xxooxx

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